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OH Photobucket ♥♥♥

i'm running away!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
2:25 AM
i'd be away from blogger for a period of time.

livejournal's my latest addiction. HAHA! ((:

clap to this, give a miss
Thursday, February 07, 2008
11:05 PM
were cable cars' ride on free spree?
'AHHHH'. i thought i could take a cable car ride on the first day of cny :(
but so sorry, it was such a disappointment, too lazy to fight my way through with the crowd!
buzzing crowd
such a long queue!!!
(thanks for the company)

picture of you, picture of me
reminds us all wad we used to be.

the bash that goes hu-la-la
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
3:40 PM
everybody's busy preparing for their feast when i'm stuck at home, waiting for food to come to me. (ehem back to the topic plsss)

so so so,
HA-PEE-BUFFDAY jacelyn liang and windy wendy (:

monday was love. mini buffday celebration for jacelyn at BOTANIC GARDEN, with the company of bushes of flowers, mosquitos,butterflies, dogs and wad other natures that u can think of.

'dont try to peep'
peace, reaching her destination!!!

i went back to amkss and a wave of emotions rushing through me after so long. yea, flash back of how times fly and the memories are always so significant(:
i miss those days.

seek that maturity
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
9:16 PM
fishing bored with a situation of 'nothing to do'. oh boy, tell me more about it?
'NO', I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MUGGING AND REALLY MUG MY ARSE OFF!!! who cares about the facts in the textbooks when everyone's having the mood of cny. sighhhsss, im kinda sad about cny plss.
NO VISITINGS due to issues among my mom n father's side relatives = NO ANG PAOS!!!
after so long, how i wish there's a family reunion and stop all the damn issues. is too late to blame anyone cos i noe i shld be mature enough to sorta the problems, be independent and nth gonna bring me down.
damn, global seminar's such a waste of timeeee!!! usher those babarians of all ITEs (sadly, even lecturers hav no brains) really pissed me off to the max. 'who do u think u peeps are', we're just doing our jobs and do u think we're bloody paid to do so. oh come on, grow up people and pls learn how to have some basic manners. tsk. this is getting so out of hand, ruining the image of ite even so that we won some prestigious award. screw dem' all.

my PR project gp!!!

the malays chinese

so much to say,
i want to see your face.

time to go
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
11:57 PM
ah la, peaceful melody.
bad news more than good news, many ppl are seemed to be leaving gap after cny and seriously, i can imagine how gap gonna be like yet i dont wish to noe too. 'tsk', more more and more 'FINES' policy coming up to make us really work which turns out to be actually the opposite way. oh boy oh boy, i was told not to trust anyone in gap since the bitching session did work out a little truthful from one. so i guess, 'ignorance is such a bliss'. let me play pretender for the rest of the time left in gap.

'BABOO, BABOO', he always call. gonna miss him :(


yesterday's rehearsal was crapp plsss. waste time, waste resources, waste fats, waste energy... ahhh waste yes most importantly, 'TIME'.

that's crap! haha.
baju gurong baju gurong baju gurong's comfy(:

sigh, my hair's disastarous. i wanna do smth to it, like colour it green or maybe red. 'NO', highlight i meant!!! haha.
'i dont want to regret' though... on a saving $$$ spree. i'd try to limit myself from over-spending and so not to end up, eating grass in the mid of no where.

'patience has its limit'
Saturday, January 26, 2008
3:06 AM

hit the sack, bid god knight.

vent vent vent

oh boy,
i want to go for my shopping spreeee soon

'the sun is too near the moon'
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
8:52 PM
under the construction of muscle retardation now :(((
thighs are getting huge,
weakly arms,
wobbly legs,
tight stomach muscle,
legs extension of 1 inche,
now that, even my arse is hurting!
so blame the NAFA TEST of 5 stations and 2.4km run!!!
and no doubt,
standing broad jump was the serial killer still... ahhhhh.

wow, im so rich huh!
famished after the tedious work out

snapple freshen me up

look out of your window and search for the moon, it's big and round, shinning brightly tonight (:
seemd like the sun's getting jealous with the moon, getting near to the moon to make us feel insecure and eventually human'd dislike the moon. how true, astrologists?

inconsiderate sch mates turned me off, BIG TIME!!!
the poor old uncle gonna clear up this mess when we're physically fit to move our lazy legs to drop it in the bins!!!


sorry, no offence whoever you're
just want to urge to all female readers, pls be careful with ur super low waist pants... the butt line's always cracking out of those cheeky babooseng animals' eyes. (we all nv noe so take note of it) it's not really nice to show that off though.
i shall not comment more than that.
oh ya,
i swear this beancurd gonna leave the sweetness in your heart
i fall for it even though i dont fancy beancurd.
if you're interested in trying, is located near kovan mrt staion, just opposite the famous puggol nasi lemak yo!!!

HR CA tml yet im too tired to even mug.